
Offer 10 out of 40 from 12/03/25, 11:03


Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Ber­lin - Fakultät VI: Planen Bauen Umwelt - Institut für Stadt- und Regionalplanung - Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability (GCSMUS)

Technische Universität Berlin offers an open position:

Student assistant 40 hours per month

Number of identical positions to be advertised: 2

Working field:

Collaboration in the international and transdisciplinary research project ‘Global Center of Spatial Methods for Urban Sustainability’ (GCSMUS,, which is part of the DAAD programme ‘exceed - University Excellence in Development Cooperation’ to further develop spatial research methods and test their application using the example of the development goal SDG 11 (‘Sustainable Cities and Communities’) of the UN Agenda 2030. Support with the following tasks :

  • Preparation of teaching-related material (e.g. lectures calendar, PowerPoints, flyers, certificates, etc.) (60%).
  • Assistance with organizative requirement of various activites (e.g. excursions, lectures, workshops, etc.) (20%).
  • Completion of research-related assignments (e.g. literature research and compilation, preparation of publications and posters, etc.) (20%).


Must have:

  • Knowledge of and interest in urban planning/urban design or related fields;
  • Experience in scientific work (especially literature research and correct citation);
  • Excellent written and spoken English (native speaker level);


  • Interest in participating in an transdisciplinary and international research project and the topic of the project;
  • Organizational skills, initiative, independence, flexibility.
  • Experience in intercultural cooperation;
  • Knowledge of visualisation techniques and programmes and graphic know-how;
  • Good german language skills, written and spoken;
  • Interest in scientific research

How to apply:

Party responsible for specialist area / point of contact for job posting: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Angela Million
Period of employment: from 01.04.2025 limited to two years
Apply to:

Please submit your written application including cover letter, your CV, certificate of enrollment, and where applicable, current transcript of records, with the reference number to the place of employment indicated above.
In the interest of promoting equality opportunities for men and women, applications from women with suitable qualifications are particularly encouraged.